Dilshaj Pvt. ITI.

Dilshaj Educational Society, Visakhapatnam.

Welcome to Dilshaj Private Industrial Training Institute (I.T.I)

Principal: Shaik shajahan ( btech mechanic), Phone No. 9966468462, email: Shajahanhod@gmail.com

Correspondent: Naseem begum (BBA), Phone No. 9581694959, email: dilshaj123@gmail.com



ITI Fitter is a mechanically related branch, Where you get to learn about fitting. Within this 2-year course, you are given such knowledge so that you can work with any kind of fitting. Pipe fittings, Machine fitting, and structure fittings are the main working areas, on which a fitter works.


What is ITI in Electrician Course? The Electrician is a 2-year ITI course, approved by the NCVT (National Council Vocational Training). The electrician is a tradesman specializing in electrical wiring of buildings, transmission lines, stationary machines, and related equipment.

COPA - Computer Operator and Programming Assistant

A basic computer training program called COPA ITI attempts to teach many people technical skills. Candidates who have completed class X are offered computer knowledge under this.

Solar Branch

The Trainee learns to arrange and test solar batteries and their correct disposal. Learns connections and testing of Solar Panel, Charge Controller, Battery Bank and Inverter. Learns types of Inverters used in the Solar system and their application according to the requirements of the project.

Dilshaj Pvt. ITI


Contact us

Rolugunta Post & Mandal,
Visakhapatnam District,
Andhra Pradesh (India).

(+91) 9966468462
